We get to know our clients and seek to understand not only their financial situation but also their personal goals and values. A customized Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is developed to reflect your unique circumstances, objectives and concerns. The IPS is viewed as a “roadmap” to explain what we want to achieve with our clients and how we plan on achieving it. As we and our clients navigate the twists and turns– some inevitably unexpected – we make sure the investment roadmap is always up to date and optimized.
Following IPS creation, we design a customized strategy to help achieve your investment goals. Portfolios are customized for each client and are constructed to reflect our long-term views of which investments should result in maximum long-term wealth accumulation. As part of this process, we are also able to implement portfolio construction around legacy assets which may have high tax-friction, including highly concentrated individual positions and other investment challenges that our clients may encounter. These portfolios are monitored on a daily basis and clients will enjoy regular communication with Cantilever, including face-to-face or virtual meetings as well as periodic commentaries from our investment team.
The founding principles of Cantilever are to combine cutting edge technology, investment analysis and research for all of our clients, both individual and institutional and to continuously maintain our status as a best-in-class investment firm. As fiduciaries for our clients, we proudly adhere to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, which is considered one of the highest ethical benchmarks for investment professionals around the globe.